Lunchlezing HoSt

HoSt stands out as an industry-leader in technological innovation in the field of transforming residual streams into bioenergy and other valuable end-products, striving to a zero-waste society. HoSt is the only one-stop-shop technology provider with a full in-house product and technology portfolio:


  • Biogas plants / anaerobic digestion technology: using membrane biogas upgrading technology to produce biomethane and bio-CNG, and CO2 recovery to produce liquefied and food-grade CO2. Or by integrating a CHP unit for heat and power production from biogas;
  • Biomass-fired heat and power plants / cogenerations plants for wood waste, waste, RDF, and agricultural residues to produce heat, power, and steam and to provide green CO2 for e.g., the greenhouse horticulture;
  • Biomass boilers to produce heat and steam;
  • Renewable energy as a service.


With a large and strong service and maintenance department, HoSt provides 24/7 assistance all over the world. Our ability for new product development, deep in-house expertise on all technologies that enables us to develop multidisciplinary projects, combined with the capabilities to commercialise and scale them is unique within the industry. HoSt has over 200 employees and has built over 300 bioenergy installations in more than 30 countries of which the oldest facilities are now running more than two decades and are still successfully operational.

